It is really quite simple: We honestly feel that we are the luckiest people on earth to be asked by you to officiate your wedding. We perform wedding ceremonies because of the joy of sharing love, beauty, wisdom and spirit on the most special day of your life. For the couple and for us too, it is A Beautiful Affair Of The Heart. This magnificent experience never feels like a job to us and so we welcome helping you in any way we can to make your celebration extraordinary.

Your happiness is paramount to us. Officiating your wedding has never been and never will be a business to us. It is even more than a labor of love. It is a sacred trust and the ultimate honor. To be honest, we would gladly do wedding ceremonies for free if we did not have to earn a living and support our families. So for us, conducting your wedding ceremony is just our humble, unique way of making the world a little bit more beautiful, two special people at a time.

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